Be Present: An Interview with Claire Scott (Haunted Waters Press)
Welcome! Once again, we have the pleasure of sitting down with frequent HWP Contributor Claire Scott. Joining Palimpsest (2017) and Revenants (2019), Rugs Roll Up Behind Each Step (2020) is Claire's third work of poetry to be featured in our annual literary journal From the Depths. Three additional works are showcased in the pages of SPLASH!: An Unlikely Best Seller, Portrait of My Family as a Potted Plant, and Wings.
Do you recall the first poem that really spoke to you or sparked your interest in writing your own?
As a child, I was given a copy of A Child’s Garden of Verses by Robert Louis Stevenson. I loved The Land of Counterpane, My Shadow, and The Lamplighter. I think it was then that I fell in love with poetry, but it was only much later that I dared to dream of writing.
How long did it take you to find your voice in your poetry? Do you look back on your early writing and see the ways in which you have grown as a writer?
I think my voice changes in each phase of my life. As I look back on my first book, Waiting to be Called, I find that now I would write many of the poems differently. I hope that is a good sign! I now try to write with more metaphor and more focus on diction and rhythm. I also experiment more with…